Berkshire for Europe

Affiliated to the European Movement UK and Grassroots for Europe

About us

We're a group of ordinary exasperated people looking at the UK and doing our bit to drag it back into the European Union (EU). 

As a non-partisan group, we hail from all political and non-political backgrounds, united by being European and aiming to make a difference.

You can contact us at

Get Involved

We now know the result of the election and the contents of the King's Speech on July 17th to see what the government is planning in the short term on the European Question. 

That will now determine the shape of the campaigns of the pro-European groups including the European Movement and Berkshire for Europe.

If you would like to be part of the discussion that please make contact with us.

Why we should join the European Union

Economic Growth: Rejoining the EU could boost the UK’s economy by restoring access to the single market, enhancing trade opportunities, and attracting foreign investment.

Trade Benefits: Membership in the EU would eliminate tariffs and reduce non-tariff barriers, facilitating smoother and more cost-effective trade with member countries.

Workforce Mobility: Rejoining the EU would allow UK citizens to live, work, and study freely across Europe, enhancing career opportunities and cultural exchange.

Research and Innovation: The UK could benefit from EU funding and collaboration in research and development, which would support advancements in science, technology, and education.

Political Influence: By being part of the EU, the UK would regain a voice in shaping European policies and decisions, ensuring its interests are represented on the global stage.

Security and Cooperation: Rejoining the EU would strengthen collaboration on security issues, including counter-terrorism, law enforcement, and intelligence sharing, enhancing national and regional safety.

Environmental Standards: EU membership would align the UK with stringent environmental regulations and policies, contributing to more effective action on climate change and environmental protection.

What do we do?

Local events
We take a pitch and support:

We also organise social events for our supporters, such as pub evenings and evening walks in the summer.

Social media

Local pro-EU groups have 15,000 members. Find us on Facebook and X (Twitter)!

National Rejoin - Day of Action

On the 23rd March 2024, Berkshire for Europe  took to the streets of Reading outside the Town Hall as part of the National Rejoin March - Day of Action. Despite the showers and hail, they were able to engage with members of the public, local politicians and those who would want to campaign to become closer to the European Union by rejoining the Single Market and Customs Union. 

Also discussion on the various issues encountered by musicians, exporters and educational establishments etc. It looks as if it's generally accepted that Brexit was a disaster for the country and the group experienced no heckling, which was the case back in 2015-2020.

Thoughts are now with hope that a new incoming government can start to repair some of the damage.  

Street stalls
Hearing what other people think is fascinating, even if they are Brexiteers! It is always interesting to ask a leaver exactly which EU regulation they objected to – and wait for the answer… Today, we focus on helping people to understand EU legislation, such as the ECHR, how it was and is beneficial to the UK, and how we are poorer for our divergence. We also encourage people to register to vote and exercise their democratic right. Talking to strangers might sound intimidating but most people are amiable in real life. Recently we had a very successful stall at Reading Water Festival in June of this year 

Social Events
We have organised many social events such as pub evenings, coffee mornings and strolls around the University grounds or the River Thames giving our members and supporters the chance to speak about the issues caused by the 2016 referendum results and what we can do to help. We welcome other campaigning groups to join us as well for some interesting conversations. Future events can be found on our Facebook Social Page.

Bastille Day with the Reading Mayor

Berkshire for Europe takes part every year in the Bastille festivities at Forbury Gardens in Reading. It's a celebration of good food and entertainment and, of course, discussions about the UK relationship with its neighbouring countries.

We attract many young people from around Europe who are affected by the calamity of leaving the EU without a credible plan. We were also pleased when Reading Mayor, Tony Page, stopped by to say hello last year.  We will  be there on the 13th and 14th of July, come and see us. There will be a new Government at Westminster by then. An opportunity to discuss what we do next! 

On the way to the National Rejoin March II in London

Many local people joined us to attend the National Rejoin March II on 23rd September 2023. This is one group at Reading Station who were joined by other groups from around Berkshire and by tens of thousands from all parts of the UK and Europe to march across the capital calling for unity with the EU and reminding the nation that this issue is still very much alive!

Read the coverage of our group in the Reading Today local paper!

The NRM march will be this Autumn.  Berkshire for Europe will be there come and join us!


Register to vote

Please encourage your friends and relations to register to vote. 

It's particularly important that the voice of the younger generation is heard – they will feel the impact of the calamity of Brexit hardest and together can aim to reverse it.

European Movement UK

The European Movement UK is an independent all-party pressure group in the UK that campaigns for a close relationship with the EU and to ensure that European values, standards, and rights are upheld in British law post-Brexit. It is part of the European Movement International which pushes for a "democratic, federal, enlarged EU". It is the most prominent pro-Europe group in Britain. 

Help the local fight to reverse the calamity of Brexit

Funds are used for our web presence, street and festival stalls, and to print the leaflets and stickers distributed at our events.